Sunday, 31 March 2013

It's said that it is the thought that matters, that if you love someone that is what is important. But I feel that expressing your care and affection is equally important in any sort of relationship. More often that not, it is what keeps the relationship from falling apart. This is what I have tried to express through this poem of mine.

My days and nights are spent in thoughts
In vivid dreams of you
The more I try to abstain
The more they seem so true

When my mind's in turmoil and all
I need
Is to know that you're still there
I wonder if you ever think of me
If you even care

What we share is unknown, unnamed
Sustained by hopes and fears
When all I want is to hear from you
Why am I left in tears?

I know you care, you always have
But my heart just won't believe
It fears just like the others left
You might just also leave

I know you're there, I know you care
You might just never go
That you're there for me and you'll always be
Just let my heart too know....


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Antara :)
    The best poems in the world are felt by the heart, and penned down with emotions :)
