Friday, 7 December 2012

My Blog

What is a Blog?

A place where you type down all your feelings, emotions, secrets?

Yes! Why not? But for me, my blog would act as my mirror. Show me the Me that I truly am. The Me that needs serious sessions of pep-talk for improvement. Yet the me that knows no matter how wrong I might be at times, I'm certainly not a bad person. My blog would help me understand myself better as what better way of understanding yourself than penning down your thoughts?

I am on a journey of discovering who I truly am. I'm excited about the final discovery but am also nervous about the obstacles. But a perfect blend of the two is what turns a journey into an adventure, right?

So, I welcome you to be a part of my journey to self-discovery, to see the true me that at times is naive  bubbly,chirpy and carefree, the me that is pink; and the black me that is strong, mature, sensible and responsible. I feel I'm a perfect blend of the two. But since each one of us has the right to form our own perceptions,I leave it to you to decide which of the two I'm more like. :)


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